Wojtek @suda Siudzinski

Python/Node/Golang/Rust developer, DIY hacker, rookie designer, 3D print junkie. CEO @ Gaia Charge

  1. 5-minute home server with microk8s and Rancher

    Quick guide to microk8s and Rancher installation on Ubuntu 18.02 LTS…

    on kubernetes, rancher, microk8s, ubuntu, helm, docker

  2. Moving Kubernetes Persistent Volumes within the same cloud account/cluster

    During restructuring of my Digital Ocean Kubernetes cluster I needed to move some Persistent Volumes across namespace and some of them across the clusters. One approach was to manually copy all the data using dvsync script but fortunately both clusters existed under the same Digital Ocean account which meant it…

    on kubernetes, aws, ebs, eks, kubectl, Persistent Volume, Persistent Volume Claim, persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy, Digital Ocean