Wojtek @suda Siudzinski

Python/Node/Golang/Rust developer, DIY hacker, rookie designer, 3D print junkie. CEO @ Gaia Charge

  1. Running privileged containers as system services in Swarm mode

    Update 11 Jun 2019: A patch by Olli Janatuinen that implements this feature has been merged and should be shipped in Docker 19.06 / 19.09. Thanks Olli! This title might be misleading so let me clarify: when a node is in Swarm mode, services and stacks don't support privileged…

    on docker, swarm, systemd, coreos

  2. Migrating from Docker Cloud to Docker Swarm with Portainer

    The announcement that Docker Cloud is shutting down was sudden for everyone. It wasn't much of a surprise as it wasn't updated in a long time. But lack of transparency/reponse from Docker and the decision of giving only 60 days to migrate out of DC made a lot of…

    on docker, swarm, portainer, stackfile, docker-compose, docker cloud

  3. Cheapest ($6.86) hosted InfluxDB, Chronograf and Kapacitor with Hyper.sh

    The TICK stack is a very powerful architecture for managing time-series data. It can be used for everything from monitoring server infrastructure to process IoT data. Unfortunately hosted InfluxCloud starts at $99 a month which might be too much when considering it for experiments or prototypes. Thankfully Matt pointed me…

    on docker, hypersh, tick, influxdb, kapacitor, chronograf, telegraf

  4. Build, tag and push Docker images using Travis CI

    Docker Hub has Automated Builds capability to automatically build an image when you push changes to repository. It does its job perfectly. But sometimes you need more control over this process like tagging or triggering build of dependent images. You can do this by using Travis CI and adding following…

    on docker, travis ci

  5. Backup CoreOS's data volumes

    Yaron made a great Docker image for creating backups using Duplicity. It's designed to make backups of host directories, but what I wanted is to backup other container's volumes. You can do this with this CoreOS unit file: [Unit] Description=Backup After=docker.service Requires=docker.service [Service] User=core…

    on docker, coreos, data volumes, etcd