Spark Core powered automatic pill dispenser
Last weekend @chojnac and I, went to PayPal's Battle Hack 2014 Warsaw. Our hack was a hardware pill dispenser using two servos and a Spark Core. Construction Dispenser is made out of 4 plates: First plate (from the top) Glued with four tubes acts as pills storage and feeder. It…
Running Django on Arduino Yún
Arduino Yún is awesome device for many reasons but one is my favorite: it's running small Linux with Python. And when I hear Python, I think Django. You can make simple webserver in C and ATmega32u4 but it won't be easy. There are two problems with Yún and Django: Even…
The hell of testing Google Play In-app billing
We've recently ported our platform to Android. We had some issues with it, but version for free magazines (just downloading issues, without any payments) was ready quite fast. Next on our roadmap were paid magazines with purchasing single issues and subscriptions. Seems easy right? Well, it is. Maybe a little…
Mounting an unreadable CD in OS X Lion and newer
Mounting a CD/DVD's in 2013 seems like history (there's only one Mac still shipped with the SuperDrive: MacBook Pro), but you still do it from time to time. How frustrating it is, when this one time, disk doesn't show on desktop and yet it isn't ejected. Fortunately there's a…
Linen style background in iOS
I posted about this some time ago at Forrst, but it's worth to mention again. UIColor can be also a pattern and there are some predefined styles like linen from multitasking. Try this: // Dark self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor viewFlipsideBackgroundColor]; // Light self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor underPageBackgroundColor]; You can check other default…