There are two kind of people...

...those that back up regularly and those who will. I thought that I was in this first group. All my computers have turned on Time Machine, all of my code is synced via Dropbox (so even if all three computers and all backups would fail, it's still "on the cloud"), my iPhone and iPad are synced to iCloud and backed up regularly. Yet there was one place that I didn't think to backup manually: my hosting.

After a big crash at rootnode, I realized that I don't have any up-to-date backups of my DB's and uploads. So all my old posts from this blog, all records from NaStancji/, all GIF's from, all tutorials from FlexCast are gone. Recovery is almost imposible. And frankly I don't even want to try. Maybe it was a sign to move on and focus on the future rather than past. Well, there are some new projects I'm working on that that I can share with you.

After PHP, Flex/ActionScript and Python/Django I moved to ObjC and Cocoa (there's still some PHP and Python though). You may remember the name petiteDev as a brand under which I was developing new products. Well now it's an official enterprise. Web projects will still be launched under it, but iOS/Mac apps have their own brand. And the brand is Appsome! True story ;) There are three Mac apps for now: ScreenTap (color picker and screen ruler), Lagometer (connection monitor) and nanoTunes (smallest music player in Mac App Store). More will be coming soon.

There's also one project: I enjoyed it. It's a movie recommendation site with an unique algorithm and very simple UI. This project is crowd funded, so if you want to tip in, feel free to do it at IndieGoGo. Watch a promo movie that explains the idea:

Well, that's all for now, but stay tuned for new and exciting projects ;)